In partnership with La French Tech Grand Paris and the Greater Paris Metropolis
🚴 It was Session #4, on the theme of Social Inclusion and Diversity.
Municipality : Hub Francil’IN
Solution providers :, Vendredi, Groupe ARES
Issue: How to connect citizens to the alternative transport offer?
In a post-covid world more than ever defined by technology, private players tend to have a particular interest in digital. However, they lack time and expertise on this subject. The challenges for communities are therefore to :
- To make the training offer proposed by these actors legible and visible by developing a real communication system with the inhabitants (e.g.: to list all the companies and associations participating in the reduction of the digital divide).
- Create structures to federate the ecosystem around the theme of digital inclusion. For example, the Hub Francil’IN, an economic interest grouping supported by three associations, works with the MGP to support local authorities wishing to acquire Digital Passes. These passes are booklets of tickets given to people who want to go to training structures on the daily use of digital technology.
- Participate in the evaluation of digital inclusion projects developed in the territories of Ile-de-France..
Solutions :
- To train people in a situation of exclusion in digital skills and then have them employed by companies in order to make professional integration a tool for socialization and education in the construction of their professional career around computer services (cf Acces Inclusive Tech du Groupe ARES).
- To train job seekers in the second half of their career and unemployed people from the QPV (Quartiers Prioritaires de la Politique de la Ville) around no-code digital tools and innovative project management (design thinking and lean startup). In parallel to the training, put these people in contact with entrepreneurs using these tools so that their new skills are quickly made concrete (cf Winside).
- Show companies that they can finance the reduction of the digital divide through business model examples like Vendredi. Indeed, this association offers to volunteer companies a framework of approaches, a selection of the most relevant actions, and a monitoring of their commitments in order to help them engage their employees in social and environmental challenges.
For more information 👉