Various reasons may lead you to want to be accompanied in the exploration and/or launch of new businesses, such as
- Find business opportunities for an internal project,
- Enhance the value of your R&D,
- Accompany internal teams in the launch of their innovation,
- Prioritize innovation projects to be deployed,
- Reduce the time-to-market of deployed innovations,
- Revive a project that has been blocked for months.
- As entrepreneurs who are experts in innovation, we are able to assist you with all these issues, whether the new business concerns your core business, adjacent businesses, or a new market that has not yet been explored.
- Through our methodological approach developed over the years, we help you to develop businesses in line with your core business or emerging technologies, by helping you to define your objectives and priorities in terms of new business, and then in the definition and deployment of an actionable roadmap.
Our approach is based on a proven methodology and is articulated in 3 steps:
1. Market exploration :
At a macro level, we identify innovation opportunities by analyzing trends (startups, technologies, etc.) and then translate them into use cases that we assess for their potential impact and feasibility. We also conduct a field study to identify potential needs and customers.
We conduct a series of interviews with industry players (potential customers, internal business experts, external experts, etc.) in order to understand in detail the needs and issues of all stakeholders, so as to refine the potential customers (personae).
We also conduct a market study. We analyze the size of the addressable market as well as the past and future dynamics on the market perimeter identified together.
Finally, we carry out a thorough competitive analysis of the players positioned on these needs, in France and if necessary abroad, to enable you to be ahead of the game and on differentiating elements.
2. The definition of the new offer :
- Based on these analyses and considering your market position, we make strategic recommendations. In particular, we formalize the key elements of your new offer: personae on your potential customers and the needs that your new offer meets, the positioning, the business model, the key success factors and risks, the go-to-market strategy, and the internal structuring (HR and legal).
- We then go deeper into the recommendations that seem the most interesting to you, taking into account your business knowledge and your internal strategy, to finally arrive at the precise definition of an offer (or possibly several offers) as well as an associated action plan to deploy it.
3. Implementation of the new offer :
- Our lean approach allows you to launch your innovative products or services in startup mode, by confronting the field and proceeding by iteration. This allows for deployment with few resources, and as close as possible to the users' expectations.
- We support you in all phases according to the level of maturity of your project: design, prototyping, development of the commercial offer, monitoring and implementation of KPIs, etc.

We immerse ourselves in your company and its teams to understand its business, its culture, its challenges, in order to help you design and deploy new innovative businesses that are relevant and aligned with your global strategy. Our 3-step approach is both strategic and operational. It consists of exploring innovation opportunities, defining a new innovative product or service offering that meets a proven customer need, and supporting you in the agile deployment through a Lean approach inherited from the startup environment.
To get a more concrete idea of our missions, here is a use case: the accompaniment of intrapreneurial projects in order to create growth relays for the VINCI group (Leonard).

Pour avoir un aperçu plus concret de nos missions
Let's build something together!