The programs we design follow a proven methodology, based on 3 pillars, to support the creation and growth of innovative entrepreneurial projects.
1 - Sourcing and matching opportunities and talents (for incubation)
L’étape préliminaire consiste à constituer les meilleures équipes pour porter des projets innovants.
- The preliminary step consists in building the best teams to carry innovative projects.
First, business opportunities are identified in 4 complementary ways:
- The organization of an internal roadshow to communicate about the program and to identify and advise project leaders.
- Setting up a dedicated call for projects platform. - Identification of strategic areas within the business units based on business interviews.
- Identifying key trends in relevant sectors through prospective work. This approach consists of sourcing opportunities by analyzing the market, evaluating their potential by breaking them down into use cases, and then selecting the most relevant in terms of impact and feasibility. - Then, the most promising talents are selected based on a skills analysis grid.
- Finally, complementary teams are formed to create projects by ideation from the identified opportunities. If necessary, they are reshaped at the end of the first workshops to design the offer. The aim is to ensure that the talents are compatible with each other, and that they have a good affinity for the project they are carrying out.
2 - A global, precise and structured management of the program
The role of the Program Manager in charge of the overall management of the program is based on several dimensions, all of which are crucial to the smooth running of the program.
Steering the program as a whole: defining the roadmap, ensuring its follow-up by guaranteeing the schedule and deliverables, and implementing the tools and processes defined during the operational scoping.
Mobilize expertise in an agile manner: structure the mobilization of experts (technical or sectoral) to be as close as possible to the needs of entrepreneurs.
Leading the ecosystem: organizing events with the internal ecosystem (rush week, demo day, etc.), facilitating contacts and stimulating interactions with the external ecosystem (experts, investors, large groups, startups, innovative SMEs, investors, SATT, public authorities, schools and universities, support structures, etc.).
Ensure accurate and efficient reporting: organize meetings at key stages and monitor indicators to measure the effectiveness of the projects and the program and to give the teams a global view.

The support of entrepreneurs, both individual and collective, is mainly provided by our entrepreneurs in residence. They are supported on an ad hoc basis by external experts. The team aims to challenge the entrepreneurs and set them regular objectives, in order to help them make the right decisions and save time: the stages are short and punctuated by go/no-go decisions. Generally, the entrepreneurs in residence provide individual 360-degree coaching on the project as a whole, on both strategic and operational dimensions, from the definition of the vision to the implementation of technical subjects: agile and lean methods, sprints, iterations, MVP and POC, activity management based on indicators, bootstrapping, etc. The other experts provide collective support on a specific issue that can be technical or sectoral.
The objectives of the support, and therefore the type of program offered, vary according to the maturity of the projects:
- Our incubation programs, generally lasting 4 to 6 months, enable startups to move from an idea to the construction of a product or service that is as close as possible to user expectations, and to generate initial revenues.
- Our customized acceleration programs, generally lasting 6 months, allow startups to consolidate their foundations and exploit their growth potential to lay the foundations for sustainable growth and maximize their impact.
In all cases, we create a spirit of promotion within the programs and an environment of collective emulation. The key words are benevolence, experience sharing and mutual support, while evolving outside of one's comfort zone.
Strategic management and pragmatic support over the long term
The projects are managed according to the strategic axes and the KPIs of follow-up of the program defined and validated as of the design or the catch in hand of the program by our teams.
For each project, we deploy a support and lean methodology that allows us to iterate in an agile manner, and thus optimize the support, investment and time dedicated to each project. Entrepreneurial skills are particularly numerous and varied: strategy, marketing, sales, financial management, project management, HR, soft skills, etc. Beyond the mobilization of relevant experts, we ensure, through our teaching and transmission capacities, a transfer of skills throughout our programs, so as to progressively empower the entrepreneurs. We train them so that they acquire a solid foundation on all key topics (inspiration, product construction, startup launch, startup management, etc.) and we help them build their own ecosystem. In short, we empower them so that they can calmly and efficiently approach the growth of their project after our programs.

Our methodology for creating and managing support programs (incubation or acceleration) is based on matching opportunities and talents, precise and structured global management, and support for entrepreneurs by experienced entrepreneurs. The principle of these accompaniments is to be tailor-made, with respect to the large client groups and the accompanied entrepreneurs, and to be 360 degrees in terms of mobilized expertise and transmitted knowledge.To have a more concrete overview of our missions, 3 use cases:
The creation and piloting of an incubation program funded by CDG Invest (212 Founders).
The accompaniment of the setting up of a new public services incubator, the Smart Incubator (Ile-de-France Region).
The design and co-piloting of a Seed program (Leonard).
Pour avoir un aperçu plus concret de nos missions
Let's build something together!